The Most Flexible & Complete Theme

Custom Building Blocks

Tons of amazing custom builder blocks developed specifically for the Total theme makes it easier then ever to create complex and awesome layouts.

Rocket Speed Code

Don’t get stuck with a poorly coded theme that takes forever to load. Total has been coded clean and efficiently to ensure fast loading times.

Happy Customers

According to a recent study it has been shown that on average customers of the Total WordPress theme live happier lives then those who do not own it.

Recent From The Portfolio

CCTV Monitoring

CCTV Monitoring

Maecenas nec ultrices massa. Quisque orci diam, malesuada id augue nec, faucibus interdum dolor. Curabitur…

Access Control

Access Control

Nullam volutpat libero vel dolor bibendum, vel vestibulum orci congue. Suspendisse potenti. Ut eu condimentum…

Foot Patrol

Foot Patrol

Integer vehicula diam velit, sed varius leo elementum molestie. Fusce in turpis tempor urna venenatis…

Client Testimonials